From humble beginnings in 1987 Heritage Pacific has grown to be highly respected in the development industry, winning numerous state and national property industry and housing awards.

Determination to lead, rather than follow, saw Heritage Pacific pioneer environmental sustainability as a core component of residential development projects. In recent years Heritage Pacific has focused on rural residential projects to provide a competitive advantage.

Heritage Pacific was established in 1987 by Executive Chairman David Roberts. Heritage Pacific focuses on development opportunities within South East Queensland, the fastest growing centre in Australia.

From 1987 Heritage Pacific’s primary focus was in the rural residential market with several successful projects in the North of Brisbane. Urban residential property development commenced in 1993 with the acquisition of a key site in the Caboolture Shire, north of Brisbane and Forest Ridge was born. Queensland’s largest ever display village “Home World” was completed in 1995. Subsequently the now completed Forest Ridge development has seen almost 2000 homesites sold, the completion of 2 schools, and the development of a Woolworths Shopping Centre. Forest Ridge won both the Queensland Urban Development Institute of Australia Marketing (1997) and Master Planned Community (1997 & 2008) Awards.

Forest Ridge was also awarded the Property Council of Australia’s national award for Best Residential Community in Australia (2008).

Heritage Pacific began to earn industry recognition for its sustainable and community enrichment approach with a string of awards and in 1998 was the first Queensland company to win the National Environmental Award with the Lawson Valley development at Samford.

The ongoing competitive advantage for every Heritage Pacific product is quality, value, safety and immaculate presentation of residential land projects, designed to meet the changing needs of the market. This ethos has been infused in the culture of the organisation.

Since its inception, Heritage Pacific has successfully delivered over 10,000 residential homesites in Master Planned Communities which included extensive community infrastructure such as schools and retail centres and many rural residential developments and small lot subdivisions.

Heritage Pacific Director and Executive Chairman David Roberts has developed many successful projects including residential apartments, retirement villages, student accommodation and commercial shopping centers.

Establishment of Heritage Pacific
Creation of Forest Ridge
Completion of Home World
Forest Ridge won UDIA Marketing & Master Planned Community Awards
National Environmental Award
Forest Ridge won Master Planned Community Award
Genesis won UDIA Marketing Award